
The Lifespan of Your Residential Elevator

A residential elevator can last for several decades on your property, allowing you to access multiple levels of your home. Consider modernizing it after about 20 years to prevent future injury and costly repairs. It also helps to take care of the [...]

Elevators vs. Dumbwaiters

If you want to make your home more accessible, consider having an elevator or dumbwaiter installed. A residential elevator transports people up to multiple landings, increasing mobility throughout the house. On the other hand, a residential dumbwaiter carries bulky or heavy household items up [...]

Do Dumbwaiters Require Maintenance?

Having a dumbwaiter in your home or business gives you convenience and flexibility. These miniature freight elevators make it easy to move laundry, firewood, pet supplies, shop tools, retail goods, commercial kitchen supplies — whatever will fit safely inside. From their [...]

Popular Home Elevator Designs

Installing a residential elevator can make your home more accessible and allow you or your loved ones to age in place. If you’ve been hesitant to consider a home elevator because you aren’t sure how it will look or whether it [...]

Elevator Installation Safety

It pays to think about safety first when you are designing and building homes from scratch or are updating existing properties to install an elevator. Taking the steps necessary to protect your team from injury will help you avoid construction [...]

How Do Elevators Work?

Elevators have dramatically changed how people live. Thanks to elevators, it’s now possible for buildings to tower above the ground, consisting of dozens or more stories. Elevators have also revolutionized home living. Thanks to elevators, people with limited mobility can [...]

Does My House Have Enough Room for an Elevator?

Table of Contents: Size Requirements for Home Elevators Space Needed for an Elevator Machine Room Other Regulations for an Elevator in the House Why You Should Consider a Residential Elevator Installation Tips for Preparing Your Home for Elevator Installation Order [...]

How Long Will It Take to Build My Home Elevator?

If you are looking to make the most of your home and keep your independence as you age, you may consider purchasing a home elevator. With a home elevator, you can access every floor of your home with ease. Many [...]

History of Dumbwaiters

Dumbwaiters are a practical, convenient and time-saving household feature, but they have not always looked the way they do today. While today’s dumbwaiters resemble small freight elevators, these cargo conveyors once had a very different appearance. In this guide, we’ll [...]

How to Use a Dumbwaiter Safely

Dumbwaiters are small elevators that are designed to transport items rather than people. Dumbwaiters have a valuable purpose, both commercially and residentially. They essentially function as a service elevator for items like laundry, tools, food and more. Residential dumbwaiters can [...]